Waterbag 2014

Waterbag is a project designed for civilian in my country. The outer part of this project is not solid or concrete, it contains velcro. Inside the surface, there is an empty space which can store water in it. The empty space is designed like a sponge, the structure would absorb the water around into them. After they absorb enough water, it will become very heavy and firm, which can protect the house effectively. Once the water is retrieved, Waterbag would release water as well as their weight automatically so that residents could store them easily without using too much human force.

My country, Taiwan, is suffered from typhoon every year. Typhoon is a natural disaster which brings a great deal of precipitation to our country. However, the reservoir in our country generally cannot tolerate this great deal of water and thus would cause a flood in several regions in my hometown.
To handle the issue of flooding problem, our government would disperse “sandbag” to residents in flooding area. If people stack up to those sandbag in front of their house, it will create a semi-wall which could prevent flooding water from getting into their house. This solution, though useful, it required residents to transport and locate those sandbag themselves, by human force.
Using this product, the only thing users need to do is to stack the empty-and-light waterbag in front of their house, it would prevent the flooding water from getting into their house.