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One-Time Share 2021 - 2022

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This One-Time Share feature iis making it easier to share passwords with anyone. Instead of using our  pre-existing sharing options, which require an account, or just copying and pasting log-in information, which is essentially insecure, One-Time Share makes sharing a password a bit more like sharing a Google Doc with someone.


  1. Allow any keeper user to share a record safely with a non-Keeper user. 

  2. Increase Keeper exposure in order to convert potential customers


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Keeper security must maintain zero-knowledge and usability while sharing records with non-keeper users.


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The sharing experience must be very easy to

set up, much less work than typing out

one password. 


Our One-Time Share Feature is built to be secure by design.

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Externally shared links will always be time-limited. Even if you forget about it. 
We won't, it’ll go away eventually.


The link is zero-knowledge, we never email it, have access to it, or send it. 
Encryption and decryption are client-side through a patent-pending process.

Bounded Link

The link is bound to the browser that opens it. If someone else gets the link or 
your email is hacked, it won’t work for them, only the intended recipient who opened it.



When can this One-Time Share feature be used?

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Why Does All This Matter? 
Why Build The Option to Securely Share a Keeper Record with Anyone?

To answer these questions, let's review this Cyber Security Report 2021 from Keeper research team.
We know that at home and at work, people are sharing secrets like passwords and API keys through insecure methods. Employees have bad password habits. According to this report, 46% of companies let new employees use old credentials


Cyber Security Report  2021

As a result we know that people share the same or similar variety of passwords at personal and work accounts. If their personal account has been hacked, it will jeopardize their business account as well. And vice versa, insecure sharing remains common. If I share my work login info with an external contractor or freelancer with insucured way, cyberthreats can access my personal account, even my bank account.

That's why we need to provide a secure way to share our password. 

User Feedback from Customer Support Team

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Primary Use Case

As a keeper user, I want to temporarily share something with a non-keeper user so that I can securely share something without requiring them to create an account.

Understand the Context and Users We Are Designing for

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Functional Requirements

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Create a One-Time Share Record

Keeper Users can share passwords temporarily with non-Keeper Users securely.

View a One-Time Share Record

Recipient (Non-Keeper User) can see the shared record without creating an account.

Manage One-Time Share Records

Keeper Users can view active and expired One-Time Share links.  

Also, they can delete a link to revoke access.

User Flow Diagrams

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Initial Wireframes

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I have mapped out the different workflows on my figma for functional team collaboration. 

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Web Vault & Desktop App

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Viewing a One-Time Sharing

Expiring Landing Page

Converting Desktop to Mobile App

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Interactions: Tooltip Hover

Tooltip shows as hover status

Click “?” To check the tooltip

Tooltip show as popup screen

Popup screen dismiss

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Integrated Features

Copy to Share

Integrated Share feature

Share to Message

More Options to Share

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Dropdown Menu

Dropdown Menu work better in a desktop environment

Create a One-Time Share

V1: Dropdown Menu

V2: Display All Options

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Converting iOS to Android

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Primary Call-To-Action buttons

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Different Gestures

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Mobile App - iOS & Android

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Phase 1  - 🚧 Under QA  
Phase 2 - 👩🏻‍💻 Define and Research  

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